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Guide US Transport LLC

Company Details

Name: Guide US Transport LLC
Jurisdiction: Minnesota
Legal type: Limited Liability Company (Domestic)
Status: Active / In Good Standing
Date formed: 03 Apr 2012 (13 years ago)
Company Number: 36789367-577e-e111-b001-001ec94ffe7f
File Number: 482026900021
Registered Office Address: 2009 Willow Ave N, Mpls, MN 55411, USA
ZIP code: 55411
County: Hennepin County
Place of Formation: Minnesota

Unique Entity ID

Unique Entity ID Expiration Date Physical Address Mailing Address
EE9TAUWJP315 2021-12-22 2009 WILLOW AVE N, MINNEAPOLIS, MN, 55411, 1812, USA 2009 WILLOW AVE N, MINNEAPOLIS, MN, 55411, 1812, USA

Business Information

Congressional District 05
State/Country of Incorporation MN, USA
Activation Date 2020-07-14
Initial Registration Date 2020-06-25
Entity Start Date 2012-04-01
Fiscal Year End Close Date Dec 19

Points of Contacts

Electronic Business
Address 2009 WILLOW AVE N, MINNEAPOLIS, MN, 55411, USA
Government Business
Address 2009 WILLOW AVE N, MINNEAPOLIS, MN, 55411, USA
Past Performance Information not Available


Name Role Address
Mohamed Abdella Manager 2009 Willow Ave N, Mpls, MN 55411, USA


Filing Name Filing date
Annual Reinstatement - Limited Liability Company (Domestic) 2018-08-23
Conversion to 322C Due to Statute Mandate – Limited Liability Company (Domestic) 2018-01-01
Administrative Termination - Limited Liability Company (Domestic) 2015-06-10
Original Filing - Limited Liability Company (Domestic) (Business Name: Guide US Transport LLC) 2012-04-03

Motor Carrier Census

USDOT Number Carrier Operation MCS-150 Form Date MCS-150 Mileage MCS-150 Year Power Units Drivers Operation Classification
2273993 Interstate 2024-02-15 91500 2023 1 1 Auth. For Hire
DBA Name -
Physical Address 2009 WILLOW AVE N, MINNEAPOLIS, MN, 55411, US
Mailing Address 2009 WILLOW AVE N, MINNEAPOLIS, MN, 55411, US
Phone (651) 528-0222
Fax -

Safety Measurement System - All Transportation

Total Number of Inspections for the measurement period (24 months) 4
Driver Fitness BASIC Serious Violation Indicator No
Vehicle Maintenance BASIC Acute/Critical Indicator No
Unsafe Driving BASIC Acute/Critical Indicator No
Driver Fitness BASIC Roadside Performance measure value 0
Hours-of-Service (HOS) Compliance BASIC Roadside Performance measure value 4.37
Total Number of Driver Inspections for the measurment period 4
Vehicle Maintenance BASIC Roadside Performance measure value 20.25
Total Number of Vehicle Inspections for the measurement period 4
Controlled Substances and Alcohol BASIC Roadside Performance measure value 0
Unsafe Driving BASIC Roadside Performance Measure Value 0
Number of inspections with at least one Driver Fitness BASIC violation 0
Number of inspections with at least one Hours-of-Service BASIC violation 2
Total Number of Driver Inspections containing at least one Driver Out-of-Service Violation 0
Number of inspections with at least one Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violation 4
Total Number of Vehicle Inspections containing at least one Vehicle Out-of-Service violation 2
Number of inspections with at least one Controlled Substances and Alcohol BASIC violation 0
Number of inspections with at least one Unsafe Driving BASIC violation 0


Unique report number of the inspection 2734002672
State abbreviation that indicates the state the inspector is from WI
The date of the inspection 2024-09-11
ID that indicates the level of inspection Full
State abbreviation that indicates where the inspection occurred WI
Time weight of the inspection 3
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Driver 0
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to vehicle 1
Number of violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations 1
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Description of the type of the main unit TRUCK TRACTOR
Description of the make of the main unit FREIGHTLIN
License plate of the main unit PAP6485
License state of the main unit MN
Vehicle Identification Number of the main unit 1FUJA6CK35LU64979
Description of the type of the secondary unit SEMI-TRAILER
Description of the make of the secondary unit WABASH NAT
License plate of the secondary unit 5914STX
License state of the secondary unit MN
Vehicle Identification Number of the secondary unit 1JJV532D88L498885
Unsafe Driving BASIC inspection Y
Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC inspection Y
Driver Fitness BASIC inspection Y
Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC inspection Y
Vehicle Maintenance BASIC inspection Y
Total number of BASIC violations 8
Number of Unsafe Driving BASIC violations 0
Number of Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC violations 1
Number of Driver Fitness BASIC violations 0
Number of Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC violations 0
Number of Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violations 7
Number of Hazardous Materials Compliance BASIC violations 0
Unique report number of the inspection K387000062
State abbreviation that indicates the state the inspector is from SC
The date of the inspection 2024-05-22
ID that indicates the level of inspection Walk-around
State abbreviation that indicates where the inspection occurred SC
Time weight of the inspection 2
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Driver 0
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to vehicle 0
Number of violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Description of the type of the main unit TRUCK TRACTOR
Description of the make of the main unit FRHT
License plate of the main unit PAP6485
License state of the main unit MN
Vehicle Identification Number of the main unit 1FUJA6CK35LU64979
Description of the type of the secondary unit SEMI-TRAILER
Description of the make of the secondary unit WANC
License plate of the secondary unit 5914STX
License state of the secondary unit MN
Vehicle Identification Number of the secondary unit 1JJV532D8BL498885
Unsafe Driving BASIC inspection Y
Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC inspection Y
Driver Fitness BASIC inspection Y
Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC inspection Y
Vehicle Maintenance BASIC inspection Y
Total number of BASIC violations 4
Number of Unsafe Driving BASIC violations 0
Number of Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC violations 0
Number of Driver Fitness BASIC violations 0
Number of Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC violations 0
Number of Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violations 4
Number of Hazardous Materials Compliance BASIC violations 0
Unique report number of the inspection I5Z3010253
State abbreviation that indicates the state the inspector is from TN
The date of the inspection 2024-03-18
ID that indicates the level of inspection Full
State abbreviation that indicates where the inspection occurred TN
Time weight of the inspection 2
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Driver 0
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to vehicle 3
Number of violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations 3
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Description of the type of the main unit TRUCK TRACTOR
Description of the make of the main unit FREIGHTLIN
License plate of the main unit PAP6485
License state of the main unit MN
Vehicle Identification Number of the main unit 1FUJA6CK35LU64979
Description of the type of the secondary unit SEMI-TRAILER
License plate of the secondary unit 5914STX
License state of the secondary unit MN
Vehicle Identification Number of the secondary unit 1JJV532D8BL498885
Unsafe Driving BASIC inspection Y
Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC inspection Y
Driver Fitness BASIC inspection Y
Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC inspection Y
Vehicle Maintenance BASIC inspection Y
Total number of BASIC violations 7
Number of Unsafe Driving BASIC violations 0
Number of Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC violations 1
Number of Driver Fitness BASIC violations 0
Number of Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC violations 0
Number of Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violations 6
Number of Hazardous Materials Compliance BASIC violations 0
Unique report number of the inspection TFDT000090
State abbreviation that indicates the state the inspector is from TN
The date of the inspection 2023-06-07
ID that indicates the level of inspection Walk-around
State abbreviation that indicates where the inspection occurred TN
Time weight of the inspection 1
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Driver 0
Number of Out-Of-Service violations related to vehicle 0
Number of violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations 0
Total number of Out-Of-Service violations related to Hazardous Materials 0
Description of the type of the main unit TRUCK TRACTOR
Description of the make of the main unit FRHT
License plate of the main unit PAP6485
License state of the main unit MN
Vehicle Identification Number of the main unit 1FUJA6CK35LU64979
Description of the type of the secondary unit SEMI-TRAILER
Description of the make of the secondary unit WANC
License plate of the secondary unit 5914STX
License state of the secondary unit MN
Vehicle Identification Number of the secondary unit 1JJV532D88L498885
Unsafe Driving BASIC inspection Y
Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC inspection Y
Driver Fitness BASIC inspection Y
Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC inspection Y
Vehicle Maintenance BASIC inspection Y
Total number of BASIC violations 1
Number of Unsafe Driving BASIC violations 0
Number of Hours-of-Service Compliance BASIC violations 0
Number of Driver Fitness BASIC violations 0
Number of Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC violations 0
Number of Vehicle Maintenance BASIC violations 1
Number of Hazardous Materials Compliance BASIC violations 0


The date of the inspection 2024-03-18
Code of the violation 3963A1BOS
Name of the BASIC Vehicle Maintenance
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation Y
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 2
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 0
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 2
The description of a violation Brake - Defective brake(s) are equal to or greater than 20% of the service brakes on the vehicle/combination
The description of the violation group Brake Out Of Service
The unit a violation is cited against Vehicle secondary unit
The date of the inspection 2024-09-11
Code of the violation 3958EHOSPD
Name of the BASIC Hours-of-Service Compliance
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation N
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 0
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 7
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 3
The description of a violation HOS (Property) - No driver may make a false report in connection with a duty status. Explain
The description of the violation group False Log
The unit a violation is cited against Driver
The date of the inspection 2024-09-11
Code of the violation 3939ALIL
Name of the BASIC Vehicle Maintenance
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation N
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 0
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 2
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 3
The description of a violation Lighting - Identification lamp(s) inoperative
The description of the violation group Clearance Identification Lamps/Other
The unit a violation is cited against Vehicle main unit
The date of the inspection 2024-09-11
Code of the violation 39355D2B
Name of the BASIC Vehicle Maintenance
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation N
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 0
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 4
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 3
The description of a violation Air Brake - ABS malfunction lamp defective on truck-tractor manufactured on or after March 1 2001 for towed vehicle.
The description of the violation group Brakes All Others
The unit a violation is cited against Vehicle secondary unit
The date of the inspection 2024-03-18
Code of the violation 39353BB
Name of the BASIC Vehicle Maintenance
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation N
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 0
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 4
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 2
The description of a violation Air Brake - CMV manufactured on or after 10/20/1994 has an automatic airbrake adjustment system that fails to compensate for wear
The description of the violation group Brakes All Others
The unit a violation is cited against Vehicle main unit
The date of the inspection 2024-03-18
Code of the violation 39347E
Name of the BASIC Vehicle Maintenance
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation N
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 0
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 4
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 2
The description of a violation Brake Out of Adjustment - Roto Clamp (Short & Long) DD-3 or Bolt
The description of the violation group Brakes Out of Adjustment
The unit a violation is cited against Vehicle secondary unit
The date of the inspection 2024-09-11
Code of the violation 39345DB
Name of the BASIC Vehicle Maintenance
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation N
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 0
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 4
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 3
The description of a violation Air Brake - Audible air leak at a proper connection
The description of the violation group Brakes All Others
The unit a violation is cited against Vehicle main unit
The date of the inspection 2024-09-11
Code of the violation 39345B2B
Name of the BASIC Vehicle Maintenance
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation N
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 0
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 4
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 3
The description of a violation Air Brake - Hose/tubing damaged or not secured
The description of the violation group Brakes All Others
The unit a violation is cited against Vehicle main unit
The date of the inspection 2024-05-22
Code of the violation 3963A1B
Name of the BASIC Vehicle Maintenance
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation N
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 0
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 4
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 2
The description of a violation Brakes (general) Explain:
The description of the violation group Brakes All Others
The unit a violation is cited against Vehicle main unit
The date of the inspection 2024-05-22
Code of the violation 39395A
Name of the BASIC Vehicle Maintenance
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation N
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 0
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 2
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 2
The description of a violation No/discharged/unsecured fire extinguisher
The description of the violation group Emergency Equipment
The unit a violation is cited against Vehicle main unit
The date of the inspection 2023-06-07
Code of the violation 39375C
Name of the BASIC Vehicle Maintenance
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation N
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 0
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 8
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 1
The description of a violation Tire-other tread depth less than 2/32 of inch measured in a major tread groove
The description of the violation group Tires
The unit a violation is cited against Vehicle secondary unit
The date of the inspection 2024-05-22
Code of the violation 39345B2UV
Name of the BASIC Vehicle Maintenance
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation N
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 0
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 4
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 2
The description of a violation Brake Hose or Tubing Chafing and/or Kinking Under Vehicle
The description of the violation group Brakes All Others
The unit a violation is cited against Vehicle main unit
The date of the inspection 2024-03-18
Code of the violation 3953A2HOSPDIT
Name of the BASIC Hours-of-Service Compliance
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation N
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 0
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 7
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 2
The description of a violation HOS (Property) - Driver driving beyond the 14 hour after coming on duty following 10 consecutive hours off duty at the time of inspection. Time
The description of the violation group Hours
The unit a violation is cited against Driver
The date of the inspection 2024-03-18
Code of the violation 3939ALCL
Name of the BASIC Vehicle Maintenance
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation N
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 0
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 2
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 2
The description of a violation Lighting - Clearance lamp(s) inoperative
The description of the violation group Clearance Identification Lamps/Other
The unit a violation is cited against Vehicle main unit
The date of the inspection 2024-03-18
Code of the violation 39395A4EEUS
Name of the BASIC Vehicle Maintenance
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation N
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 0
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 2
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 2
The description of a violation Emergency Equipment - Fire Extinguishers - unsecured
The description of the violation group Emergency Equipment
The unit a violation is cited against Vehicle main unit
The date of the inspection 2024-03-18
Code of the violation 393207ASAPPAS
Name of the BASIC Vehicle Maintenance
The violation is identified as Out-Of-Service violation Y
The weight that is assigned to a violation if it's identified as an Out-Of-Service violation 2
The severity weight that is assigned to a violation 7
The time weight that is assigned to a violation 2
The description of a violation Suspension - Axle positioning part cracked/broken/loose/missing resulting in axle shift
The description of the violation group Suspension
The unit a violation is cited against Vehicle secondary unit

Date of last update: 25 Dec 2024

Sources: Minnesota's Official State Website